Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day Treat

For everyone's favorite holiday, my lovely valentine, Hannah Campbell, and I decided to invent a new beverage...we call it "The Tuaca Bomb."

Start by filling a shot with Tuaca (it's a Colorado thing)...

Fill a short with Diet Dr. Pepper, drop in the Tuaca...


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day Adventures

Ice Storm 2011 blessed us with a few days off of school.  Fortunately, my roommate, friends and myself decided to take full advantage of the city practically shutting down.  I won't go into full details of what the main night of debauchery entailed, but the pictures tend to speak for themselves...

Wandering the streets of Saint Louis...


And then the Casino happened...

(Yes...this was taken in the bathroom...awkward)